• Santiago Fernandez

    Mineral Water since 500 Ml. to 5 liters, with or without gas. We have 2 sources in ouer country, and also bottling plants, both at 100 kts. from Montevideo. If necesary we can send analisysfrom each source, one is firt quality (in the wolrd) ...

    Address:Dr. E. Blanco Acevedo 2277 Montevideo, Business type:Manufacturer

  • Gastelumendi Hnos.Ltda.

    Our activity is developed in foreing trade area , such as agents, under our company: Gastelumendi Hnos.Ltda. and in the commercial area under DEMITEX S.A.

    Address:Zabala 1386 Of.201 Montevideo, Business type:Agent
